Self-care is for Everyone this Spring Break!

T-minus 5 days before spring break! As we head into the last stretch of the school year, it has been decided that immediately after spring break, April 12th, students will have the option to return to school five days a week for the remainder of the school year. 

Talking with other students, many are conflicted on which option is best for them. When deciding, remember that it is an individual decision based on many factors including your educational needs and your mental health. What works for one student may not work for another, and that’s entirely ok!

It is important to remember that spring break is meant for relaxation and self care! Self care is for everyone, so here are a few fun ideas for our upcoming break:

#1. Sleep in (because you deserve it)

#2. Walk a little bit every day 

#3. Go outside and enjoy the weather

#4. Spring cleaning

#5. Pursue a hobby you love

#6. Binge-watch a new show/movie

#7. Read a good book

#8. Cook your favorite meal

#9. Enjoy spending time with your family

#10. Smile and stay positive!